Sold OutMsBIP møde nr. 83
april 20, 2024 by Just Blindbæk · Leave a Comment
- 22/05/2024
17:15 - 20:00
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Tilmeldingsfristen er fredag d. 17. maj kl. 15:00.
- Velkomst og nyt fra MsBIP
- Kort præsentation af Inspari
- Breaking apart the monolith – a take on Fabric architecture, Jon og Thomas
- Pause med forplejning og netværk
- Understanding window functions in DAX, Marco Russo
Mødet starter med velkomst kl. 17:15, men kom meget gerne allerede fra kl. 16:45 hvor Inspari byder på lidt at drikke i forbindelse med indtjekning.
Breaking apart the monolith – a take on Fabric architecture, Jon Stjernegaard Vöge & Thomas Andersen
Have you ever discovered missing data after a minor issue disrupted your ETL process? This session introduces a decoupled workspace model, forming a Fabric architecture that empowers not just engineers, but various team members across the organization to create, maintain, and evolve segments of the entire data solution. The approach is based on a real-world Fabric Implementation case study.
Understanding window functions in DAX, Marco Russo
Window functions (INDEX, OFFSET, WINDOW, RANK, and ROWNUMBER) are the latest additions to the DAX language; they also introduce a new concept named apply semantics. They are extremely powerful in simplifying writing DAX code that needs to work on sorted tables while sometimes (but not always) increasing performance for several calculations, like running totals, comparing one row with the previous one, etc. In this session, we introduce window functions and apply semantics through several examples to understand their capabilities and performance.