ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 45

maj 3, 2017 by · Leave a Comment 

  • 30/05/2017
    17:00 - 20:00

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  • Apps og App Workspaces i Power BI, David Bojsen (Microsoft)
  • Power BI Premium, David Bojsen (Microsoft)
  • DirectQuery in Analysis Services 2016: best practices, performance, use cases, Alberto Ferrari

Der er plads til 100 deltagere til dette møde.


Der er tre indlæg på mødet. To relateret til enterprise anvendelse af Power BI og et om Analysis Services Tabular.

Apps og App Workspaces i Power BI, David Bojsen (Microsoft)

Content workflow i Power BI servicen ændres en smule med introduktionen af Apps og App Workspaces. Men hvad er det og hvordan skal det bruges? Hvad er forskellen til et group workspace? Og hvad med Content Packs? Komplet demo med oprettelse, distribution og installation.

Power BI Premium, David Bojsen (Microsoft)

Få hele overblikket over hvad Power BI Premium bringer. Der vil bl.a. blive gennemgået:

  • Priser og licensmodel
  • Dedikeret hardware
  • On-premises med Power BI Report Server
  • Ændringer til Power BI Embedded
  • Kommende Premium only features

DirectQuery in Analysis Services 2016: best practices, performance, use cases, Alberto Ferrari

DirectQuery is a feature of Analysis Services that transforms a Tabular model in a semantic layer on top of a relational database, transforming any MDX or DAX query in a real-time request to the underlying relational engine using the SQL language. In Analysis Services 2016 this feature has been improved and optimized, removing several limitations, extending the support to relational databases other than SQL Server, and dramatically improving its performance.
In this session, you will learn what are the new features of DirectQuery, how to implement best practices in order to obtain the best results, and what are typical use cases where DirectQuery should be considered as an alternative to the in-memory engine embedded in Analysis Services.


Kanalvej 7, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

About Just Blindbæk

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