ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 39

september 13, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 

  • 04/10/2016
    17:00 - 20:00


  • Velkomst
  • Præsentation af Vestas
  • Automating the testing of your BI solutions with NBi, Cédric Charlier
  • Pause med let bespisning
  • Vestas SQL Server DWH setup, Henrik Staun Poulsen
  • Power BI i Aarhus Kommune, Line Aaboe Sørensen


Der er på dette møde følgende 3 indlæg

Automating the testing of your BI solutions with NBi, Cédric Charlier

If you want to accelerate the testing of your BI solutions, the best strategy is the automation of your tests with the help of a dedicated framework. During this session, we’ll take a look to the features of the open-source framework named “NBi” (www.nbi.io). This framework is providing support for automated tests on the fields of databases, cubes, reports and ETLs, without the need of .Net skills. The demos will show us the best approaches to quickly and effectively assert the quality of BI developments. We’ll go a step further, generating the tests by an interesting system of templates and test-cases sources.

Vestas SQL Server DWH setup, Henrik Staun Poulsen

Data Warehouse på 66 TB der netop er opgraderet til SQL Server 2016. Kører på 6 år gammelt hardware – skiftes snart ud.
Hvilke stored procedures bruges (sp_whoisactive, sp_blitz, util_sp_indexinfo, sp_spaceused replacement, …).
Database settings (number of files & file groups, backup checksum default, backup compression default, cost threshold for parallelism etc.).
Hvilke third party tools anvendes (Redgate SQL Toolbelt, SQL Sentry Plan Explorer).

Power BI i Aarhus Kommune, Line Aaboe Sørensen

Praktiske erfaringer med indførslen af Power BI som platform til ledelses rapportering: Processen, formålet, økonomi, udvikling/test/deployment, teknisk opsætning, adgangstyring, data refresh, use cases, udfordringer, muligheder etc.


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