ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 62

februar 25, 2020 by · 1 Comment 

  • 27/04/2020
    20:00 - 21:30

If this is your first time signing up for a meeting on MsBIP.dk you will automatically have a profile created. Alternatively, log in with the profile you created on previous registration and then join the meeting.

Meeting under the title “Power BI is growing to become a superset of Azure Analysis Services” with three different “appetizer” sessions from basic to advanced.

The meeting is streamed through ClickMeeting so we can hold it together – individually. Direct link to join the meeting: https://kapacity.clickmeeting.com/msbip-62-power-bi-is-growing-to-become-a-superset-of-azure-analysis-services-


  • Welcome
  • Tabular Editor with Power BI Desktop, Kristoffer West
  • Deploy Power BI with XMLA write endpoint, Just Blindbæk
  • Calculation Groups in Power BI, Daniel Otykier
  • Kahoot Quiz

The focus point of the meeting will more or less be Tabular Editor. If it’s brand new to you, we recommend that you watch the first 35 minutes of this webcast that Daniel just held: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-jZMzsvKnM




Tabular Editor with Power BI Desktop, Kristoffer West

Enable the New Metadata in Power BI Desktop and start take advantages of most of the cool features in Tabular Editor. Kristoffer will show us how to quickly create measures using scripting and other cool features as well as highlighting the current limitations.

Deploy Power BI with XMLA write endpoint, Just Blindbæk

Work with your datasets in the Power BI Service without using Power BI Desktop. We will go trough the steps to set it up and get YOU started working more professional with your Data Models.

Calculation Groups in Power BI, Daniel Otykier

Expand and use new capabilities not yet available in Power BI Desktop (Calculation groups, Metadata translations and Perspectives) with the use of Tabular Editor. Daniel will also give a sneak peak on whats next…


About Just Blindbæk


One Response to “MsBIP møde nr. 62”
  1. Jens Taisbak siger:

    Hej Just, Kristoffer og Daniel.

    Tak for et rigtig godt onlinemøde i går!

    Jeg vil gerne donere den flotte Power BI advanced kursus præmie til en mere værdigt trængende.

    Jeg ser frem til næste møde.

    /Jens Ole

    Jens Ole Taisbak
    Business Unit Manager BI
    Mobile: +45 6014 1781
    E-Mail: jot@abakion.com

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