ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 72
september 27, 2022 by Just Blindbæk · Leave a Comment
- 27/10/2022
17:00 - 20:00
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Mødet afholdes i samarbejde med Nextagenda.
- Velkomst og nyt fra MsBIP
- Præsentation af Nextagenda
- Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure, Paul Andrew
- Pause – netværk og let forplejning
- What is the Big news in SQL 2022, Rick Heiges
Der vil være 2-3 indlæg på agendaen. Det første er helt på plads.
Building a Data Mesh Architecture in Azure, Paul Andrew
The principals of a data mesh architecture have been around for a while now, but we still don’t have a clear way to deliver such a solution in Azure. Are the concepts so abstract that it’s hard to translate the principals into real world requirements and maybe even harder to think about what technology you might need to deploy in your Azure resource groups. In this session, we’ll explore options for building an Azure data platform, following Data Mesh principals. What data storage technology should be used? What endpoints should be exposed for mesh interfacing and what resource(s) should sit at the centre of the Data Mesh? Answers to all these questions are more as we turn the theory of a Data Mesh architecture into practice.
What is the Big news in SQL 2022, Rick Heiges
- Disaster recovery with Azure
- Near real-time analytics on SQL 2022 connecting Azure Synapse
- SQL server ledger
- Next Gen Intelligent Query Processing