ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 66
juli 3, 2021 by Just Blindbæk · Leave a Comment
- 26/10/2021
17:00 - 20:00
Hvis det er første gang du tilmelder dig et møde via MsBIP.dk vil du automatisk få oprettet en MsBIP profil. Alternativt skal du logge ind med den profil du fik oprettet ved tidligere tilmelding og derefter tilmelde dig mødet.
Dette møde markere MsBIP’s 10 års jubilæum. Afholdes på dagen for det første møde tilbage i 2011 🙂
Vi forventer stor tilslutning til dette møde, så foretag venligst kun tilmelding, hvis du agter at møde op. Alternativt tager du pladsen fra en anden. Husk at meld fra, hvis du bliver forhindret.
- Velkomst og tilbagekig på 10 år med MsBIP, Just Blindbæk
- Building an Azure Lakehouse in 60 minutes, Simon Whiteley
- Pause – netværk og let forplejning, Kapacity
- Machine Learning in Azure Synapse, Terry McCann
Building an Azure Lakehouse in 60 minutes, Simon Whiteley
It’s the buzzword of the year – the “Data Lakehouse”, that novel dream of having a modern data platform that gives all the functionality of a data warehouse, but with all of the benefits of a data lake, all in one box. This action packed session uses Azure Databricks as the core data transformation and analytics engine, augmenting it with Data Factory scheduling and Azure Synapse On-Demand as a serving layer before presenting our data in PowerBI. It is VERY possible to build a lightweight, scalable analytics platform in a very short amount of time, and I’m going to show you how.
Machine Learning in Azure Synapse, Terry McCann
There is a lot of content available on Synapse for Data Engineering, but what about Machine Learning? In this session we will look at how to integrate a SparkML model in Synapse.
Mødet afholdes i samarbejde med Kapacity