ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 77

maj 15, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

  • 15/06/2023
    17:00 - 20:00

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Temamøde om Microsoft Fabric. Mødet vil blive afsluttet med en isbar, som perfekt sommerafslutning i vores dejlige community.


  • Velkomst og nyt fra MsBIP
  • Præsentation af Enversion
  • Microsoft Fabric – A Data Revolution, Mathias Halkjær
  • Pause – tapas og netværk
  • Data Activator – Alerts on your data, Ásgeir Gunnarsson
  • Direct Lake in Power BI, Just Blindbæk


På dette møde er der tre indlæg om features i det sprint nye Microsoft Fabric! Oplægsholdere har været del af private preview og har dermed en masse forudgående kendskab.

Microsoft Fabric – A Data Revolution, Mathias Halkjær

Join us for this sessions where we go through the essentials of what you need to know, what Microsoft Fabric is, and how we can impact it to expect the world of data and Business Intelligence.

We’ll cover the 6 new experiences and the revolutionary OneLake unifying all of them. Furthermore we discuss briefly some of the decision we as organizations need to make going forward, and finally we’ll check out Microsoft Fabric in action.

Data Activator – Alerts on your data, Ásgeir Gunnarsson

While many things in Microsoft Fabric are existing tools with some new functionality, there is one brand new tool in the Fabric toolbox. That tool is Data Activator.

Data Activator is a no-code tool for automatically taking actions when patterns or conditions are detected in changing data. It monitors data in Power BI reports and Event Hub data streams, for when the data hits certain thresholds or matches other patterns. It then automatically takes appropriate action such as alerting users or kicking off Power Automate workflows.

For many years we have had good systems to organize data and set up data models/streams and calculations that allow us to know when things are not going as planned. We also have systems that can send messages or run workflows. What has been missing is how do we go from one to the other. Data Activator is the bridge between the data and the action. It monitors the data and kicks of the action based on rules you set. You don´t need to program anything which means the once who own the rules can be the ones who own the business process, not IT.

In this session we will take a look at how Data Activator bridges the gap between data and action and how easy it is to set up rules. We will talk about use cases and when systems like these make sense.

Direct Lake mode in Power BI, Just Blindbæk

Direct Lake is a groundbreaking new preview feature in Fabric, that is based on loading parquet-formatted files directly from a data lake, and without having to refresh and import data into a Power BI dataset. It’s still an in-memory VertiPaq technology with blazing fast query performance.

This is a demo heavy session that will cover all the fundamentals and prerequisites as well as the limitations.


Fiskerivej 12, 1. sal, 8000 Aarhus C

About Just Blindbæk

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