ExpiredMsBIP møde nr. 76

april 11, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

  • 08/05/2023 - 11/05/2023
    17:00 - 20:00

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Forplejning til mødet er sponseret af Orange Man


  • Velkomst og nyt fra MsBIP
  • Præsentation af Orange Man
  • Power BI governance strategy, Ásgeir Gunnarsson
  • Pause – netværk og let forplejning
  • Power BI source control and DevOps, Just Blindbæk


På dette møde er der to indlæg – begge omhandlende enterprise brugen af Power BI.

Power BI governance strategy, Ásgeir Gunnarsson

There are many things that are important when doing governance for systems like Power BI. Many people will immediately think of technical things such as Sensitivity Labels or monitoring but there are many other, often non-technical, factors that are equally important when it comes to governance.

For many the mention of governance gives them images of massive effort and inconvenience for themselves and end-users. It’s a hindrance and waste of time. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When considering a governance strategy, it’s important to lift your perspective to the helicopter view and think about requirements and impact instead of technical solutions.

In this session we will discuss what are the main questions you should be asking yourself when designing a governance strategy for Power BI. We will also give examples of a structure and content that such as strategy could have.

The main topics covered are:

  • Why do governance
  • What are the key considerations for a good governance strategy for Power BI
  • What are the components of a good governance strategy for Power BI
  • How do you structure the document(s)
  • How do you help your users understand it

Power BI source control and DevOps, Just Blindbæk

You might have seen the announcement of Tabular Model Definition Language (TMDL)? The new declarative format for tabular models, designed for readability and editability. This session will introduce it’s main benefits and how it can help with source control and deployment using both pbi-tools and Tabular Editor.

We will also take a look at, what we can expect to see of future enhancements.


Kanalvej 7, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

About Just Blindbæk

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