MsBIP møde nr. 9

21 nov 2012 - 18:00

Microsoft, Tuborg Boulevard 12, København

Mødet startes ud med pizza fra kl. 18:00-18:30, hvorefter den faglige del startes.

Alberto Ferrari præsentere indlægget “Excel 2013 PowerPivot in Action“:

Excel 2013 and Business Intelligence: a marriage made in heaven. PowerPivot and Power View, the two most exciting BI tools in the Microsoft stack are now integrated into Excel 2013, providing the perfect environment where to build self-service BI solutions.
In this session we will see how to create a business solution from scratch, from loading tables inside PowerPivot, enriching them with new data, building complex formulas using the DAX language, leveraging the materialization of DAX queries in Excel and finally building dashboards and reports using the new PivotTable features and Power View. The goal of the session is to provide a clear understanding of the power of BI in Excel 2013 and raise your curiosity about the DAX language and the Tabular architecture.


David Peter Hansen præsentere indlægget “Layered Partitioning – (re)load your data fast

Loading data into your Data Warehouse is not always a trivial task. Especially if the source systems can re-deliver data and you want to replace an old subset of your data. The quick answer you always hear is “just use partitioning”, but nobody really tells you how you should design or implement it. This session will show one way to load and access your data really fast, by using layered partitioning. We will walk through partitioned tables and partitioned views, before moving on to the concept of layered partitioning. We will also take a look at the management and performance benefits (and challenges) partitioning gives us.